Monday, September 30, 2019

Elderly Sexual Activity And Health Health And Social Care Essay

As Lindau et Al. ( 2003 ) point out, gender involves the forming of a partnership and pertains to the behaviours, attitudes, map and activity of sexually active persons. Sexual activity has been associated with wellness ( Addis, Van Den Eeden and Wassel-Fyr, 2006 ; Laumann, Nicolosi and Glasser, 2005 ) , and complaint and disease might significantly impair sexual wellness ( Schover, 2000 ) . Aged people are receivers of a broad array of devices and medicines which aim at handling jobs of a sexual nature. While the demand for services and medicine pertaining to sexual wellness is increasing, however non much is known about the sexual behaviour of grownups over 65 old ages of age. In the developed states, the chronological age of 65 old ages old is mostly accepted as a cut-off point for categorization of a individual as ‘older ‘ or ‘elderly ‘ . While common definitions of the 3rd age such as this are so practically utilised, there exists no general consensus as to the point in clip when one really becomes old. Normally, the clip in life when one becomes eligible for a pension is adopted as declarative mood of old age. The United Nations do non utilize a standardised standard, but however agrees to 60+ old ages as mentioning to the aged ( WHO, 2010 ) . A definition of ripening is provided by Gorman ( 2000 ) : ripening is a extremely preset biological procedure which eludes human control. At the same clip, ageing is defined in a constructivist universe, where different societies assign different significances to old age. Chronological age is seen as most of import in developed states. The age between 60 and 65 is taken to mean the oncoming of old age. By contrast, in many developing states, age by old ages bears little relationship to the definition of old age. In such states, the significance of old age may depend alternatively on the functions that are been assigned to older people, or even on the loss of previously-held functions, which may come as a consequence of natural physical diminution. In amount, while the developed universe defines old age in a mode extremely chronological, the same is frequently non true for developing states, where people start to be perceived as elderly when their active function engagement is no long er possible ( Gorman, 2000 ) . Harmonizing to a definition by the World Health Organization ( 2001 ) , gender is â€Å" a natural portion of human development through every stage of life and includes physical, psychological, and societal constituents † ( p. 13 ) . Another definition of gender provided by Rheaume and Mitty ( 2008 ) states that gender is a â€Å" nucleus dimension of life that incorporates impressions, beliefs, facts, phantasies, rites, attitudes, values, and rights with respect to gender individuality and function, sexual Acts of the Apostless and orientation, and facets of pleasance, familiarity, and reproduction † and involves biological, psychological, societal, economic, spiritual, religious and cultural constituents ( p. 342 ) . Health is defined as â€Å" a province of complete physical, mental and societal wellbeing and non simply the absence of disease or frailty † ( WHO, 2001, p. 8 ) . In bend, sexual wellness â€Å" implies a positive attack to human gender and is hence an indispensable constituent of generative wellness. It includes the integrating of bodily, emotional, rational, and societal facets of an person in ways which positively enrich and enhance personality, communicating, love and human relationships † ( p. 13 ) . Sexual wellness, non unlike physical wellness, is viewed as a province of wellbeing where there is an outlook of enjoyable experiences without the invasion of negative feelings such as shame, fright, force per unit area or force. In maintaining with this definition, Calamidas ( 1997 ) suggests that place or assisted-living nurses can play a important function in the quality of aged people ‘s life through assisting them attain and continue a positive mentality to ward the look of their single gender. Historically, a big proportion of today ‘s aged people grew up and lived during a clip when societal norms were both conservative and gender-biased. Broadly talking, sexual intercourse was considered as a enjoyable experience chiefly for the work forces while adult females were thereby expected to sexually fulfill their hubbies and to do babes ( Hajjar and Kamel, 2003 ) . Peoples that today are over 70 old ages old may hold really ‘missed ‘ the sexual revolution of the sixtiess in the context and societal conditions under which it took topographic point, since they were already married and engrossed in their work and household life. This interesting analysis by Hajjar and Kamel ( 2003 ) returns to reason that the challenges to familiarity and gender faced by that age group may be partially due to the acceptance of a instead conservative set of values and beliefs about gender, a limited handiness and entree to knowledge on gender, and a deficiency of experiencing com fy with their gender. Rheaume and Mitty ( 2008 ) suggest that nowadays the traditional stereotypes sing ripening, familiarity and gender are being reexamined ; that is, the point of position is promoted that a desire for familiarity and for sexual contact does non hold to discontinue at any point during the life-time. Knowledge on the sexual activity of the aged people nevertheless is far from complete, particularly within a cross-cultural context every bit good as with mention to educational and fiscal position. In this visible radiation, the generalizability of research findings in this country is instead hindered. Oftentimes, this means that wellness professionals may be left â€Å" slightly in the dark † refering the wants and demands of older grownups as to their gender ( Rheaume and Mitty, 2008, p. 342 ) .Sex of the AgedThe National Social Life, Health and Aging Project ( NSHAP ) has taken up the undertaking of garnering informations on the sexual activity, behaviours and jobs of aged people ( Lindau et al. , 2007 ) . The findings of the national American sample of NSHAP show that while sexual activity tends to diminish with age, most older grownups continue to bask intimate marital or other relationships, every bit good as see their gender an of import facet of life. The bulk of persons aged 57 to 85 old ages old, and about one in three of persons aged between 75 85 old ages old were active sexually. Even in their 80s or 90s, the aged may pattern sex and/or onanism ( Lindau et al. , 2007 ) . There is grounds to propose that some work forces and adult females retain their sexual desire and partnership during the whole of their life ( Addis et al. , 2006 ; AARP, 1999 ; Nicolosi, Laumann and Glasser, 2004 ; Bacon et al. , 2003 ) . Some of these surveies nevertheless have relied on comparatively little sample sizes, and have utilized non-random sampling methods. Taking into consideration the above unfavorable judgments, Lindau et Al. ‘s ( 2007 ) survey examined the happening of sexual activity in sexually active participants and did non happen significantly lessening with old age. At the same clip, the degrees of reported sexual activity in respondents between 60 and 74 old ages old were comparable to the degrees reported by grownups from 18 to 59 old ages old, in a broad US study ( Laumann et al. , 1994 ) . Adults aged 65 old ages and over can retain an active and fulfilling sexual life throughout their old ages ( WHO, 2002 ) . Frequent sexual activity is normally reported after in-between age ( Janus and Janus, 2003 ) . In the study of the American Association of Retired Persons ( AARP, 1999 ) including 1384 aged persons, although sexual activity was reported as being enjoyable, no overarching understanding was reached as to the importance of sex toward keeping a good relationship. The research by AARP ( 1999 ) besides found that old grownups who have spouses tend to experience that a carry throughing sexual relationship is of import, as opposed to old grownups with no spouses. Men older than 75 were more likely to hold a partner or spouse and appeared to keep more favourable attitudes or more involvement towards sex than did adult females of the same age. Work force, whether they had a spouse or non, reported a higher frequence of ideas, feelings and phantasies related to sex than by and large did adult females. Steinke et Al. ‘s ( 2008 ) research with healthy aged people reported that the lesser wellness limitations of the aged helped them to retain their sexual activity throughout the class of their lives. Womans in their 3rd age normally demonstrate a larger decline of sexual activity with clip than make same-aged work forces ( Lindau et al. , 2007 ) . Harmonizing to the consequences of a transnational study of individuals 40 to 80 old ages of age ( Laumann, Paik and Glasser, 2006 ) , adult females tend to believe of sex as a less of import aspect of life than make work forces, and they besides tend to describe more absence of pleasance from it. The finding of the kineticss that are involved in sexual satisfaction are of peculiar importance here ( Carpenter, Nathanson and Kim, 2009 ) . Henderson-King and Veroff ( 1994 ) and Sprecher ( 2002 ) have found that sexual satisfaction enhances the person ‘s wellbeing, while it promotes the stableness of a matrimony and of other personal relationships. A better cognition of the factors that promote and lessen sexual satisfaction may assist in the development of better-suited clinical and policy intercessions against sexual jobs ( Bancroft, 2002 ) . As populations age, a sound apprehension of sexual activity in aged people is going more and more relevant ; people now enjoy longer and healthier lives, attitudes toward gender are being transformed and the importance of a fulfilling sexual life toward the attainment of personal felicity is being recognized ( Seidman, 1991 ; Calasanti & A ; Slevin, 2001 ) .Quality of lifeA figure of writers have suggested that physicians and policy- makers are going more and more aware of the importance of human gender for wellness and for good quality of life across the life span ( Lindau et al. , 2007 ; Satcher, 2001 ; WHO, 2002 ) . In his description of the cross-cultural survey of the World Health Organization, ‘Quality of Life/Older Adults ‘ ( including such subjects as liberty, activity, functionality, familiarity, relationships, socialisation, decease, and deceasing, Robinson ( 2007 ) states that gender, wellness position and personal relationships were all significantly related to quality of life. Many surveies have found that sexual activity bears a important relationship to length of service and positive wellness results ( Palmore, 1982 ; Davey Smith, Frankel and Yarnell, 1997 ; Onder et al. , 2003 ) .Sexual jobsSince the beginning of the twenty-first century new and considerable attending has been paid to the gender of the aged as a consequence of the creative activity of drugs that treat erectile disfunc tion. Male erectile disfunction, if treated efficaciously, can protract the active sex life of the aged of both genders throughout life ( Lindau, 2010 ) . As Cambois, Robine and Hayward ( 2001 ) point out, in many states sexual jobs comprise a major issue for aged people ; in the United States, about one in two 57 to 85 twelvemonth olds who are sexually active study that they have at least one sexual quandary, and one in three reference at least two such afflictions. Consequently, the bulk of the aged people in Lindau et Al. ‘s ( 2007 ) survey did describe teasing jobs of a sexual nature, and about one in four sexually active aged participants of both genders refrained from sexual intercourse as a consequence of a sexual job topic to curative intercession. During the passage to old age, alterations in physiology can impair the sexual reactivity of aged adult females and work forces, while they may impact, either negatively or positively, their sexual map ( Bachmann and Leiblum, 2004 ; Rosen et al. , 2005 ) . Different facets of gender had been found to hold a negative correlativity with hapless wellness and age ( Laumann et al. , 2005 ; Schover, 2000 ; Laumann, Paik and Rosen, 1999 ; Camacho and Reyes-Ortiz, 2005 ) . Isselbacher et Al. ( 1994 ) and Rosen et Al. ( 2005 ) province that jobs of a sexual nature may move as precursors or as epiphenomena to important infections or diseases such as diabetes or malignant neoplastic disease. Sexual jobs that go unnoticed and/or untreated may take to or co-occur with depression and societal backdown ( Nicolosi et al. , 2004 ; Morley and Tariq, 2003, Araujo et al. , 1998 ) . Medicine prescribed to the aged may hold an inauspicious consequence on sexual life ( Finger, Lund and Slagle, 1997 ) ; eve n medicine which treats sexual jobs may hold inauspicious wellness effects ( Lindau et al. , 2006 ; Gott, Hinchliff and Galena, 2004 ) . Steinke et Al. ( 2008 ) besides found that aged participants who were non active sexually showed a deterioration of sexual self-concept, self-efficacy, and satisfaction. In Konstam, Moser and De Jong ‘s ( 2005 ) research, a heightened self-efficacy was demonstrated to better on both sexual map and emotional operation, non excepting depression.Health and genderLindau et Al. ‘s ( 2007 ) survey found sexual activity to be positively related to the physical wellness of the aged, peculiarly in aged work forces. In general, healthy persons of all ages were more likely to prosecute in matrimonial or other intimate relationships and to be more sexually active. Furthermore, physical wellness was found to be related to different aspects of sexual map, every bit good as sexual jobs, irrespective of age ; similar findings have been reported by other research workers ( Laumann et al. , 1999 ; Bacon et al. , 2003 ) . It is advisable so that, when specific conditions apply, aged people who have wellness jobs or who are to have intervention which may act upon their sexual operation may necessitate to be evaluated based on their wellness position alternatively of their age ( Laumann et al. , 2005 ) . In a representative national analysis, Lindau ( 2010 ) assessed the relationship between gender, as measured per sexual activity and quality of sex life, and planetary self-reported physical wellness in mature and aged grownups. Lindau ( 2010 ) found that particularly for older adult females, self-rated wellness was closely related to holding a spouse. Overall, participants who were of really good or first-class physical wellness were approximately 1.7 times more likely to demo an involvement in sex than did participants of less than good wellness. As Lindau ( 2010 ) puts it, when compared to adult females, work forces tend to pass significantly more of their life being sexually active but, at the same clip, miss out on significantly more old ages of sexual activity as a effect of less than good wellness. This strong relationship between work forces ‘s wellness and expected continuance of a sexually active life may be partially attributable to chronic diseases but besides to intervention received for erectile disfunction ( Westlake et al. , 1999 ; Solomon, Man and Jackson, 2003 ; Burke et al. , 2007 ) . The United Nations ( 2007 ) have proposed that in the developed and developing states, a projection of people ‘s sexual activity as they become older can be utile in foretelling wellness demands and resources, sexual function-related services, the recovery from sexual disfunction due to illness, every bit good as the intervention for normally happening wellness conditions in the 3rd age. At the same clip, the want to protract the continuance of their sexual life can modify older people ‘s of import wellness behaviours ; mature grownups may for illustration quit smoke or take their medicine more earnestly if they expect that their action will advance a drawn-out and carry throughing sexual life ( United Nations, 2007 ) .I’I?I?I »I?I?I?I?I ±I† I?I ±Addis IB, Van Den Eeden SK, Wassel-Fyr CL, et Al. Sexual activity and map in middle-aged and older adult females. Obstet Gynecol 2006 ; 107:755-64. American Association of Retired Persons. Modern adulthood. Sexuality survey. Washington DC: AARP ; 1999. Araujo AB, Durante R, Feldman HA, Goldstein I, McKinlay JB. The relationship between depressive symptoms and male erectile disfunction: cross-sectional consequences from the Massachusetts Male Aging Study. Psychosom Med 1998 ; 60:458-65. Araujo AB, Mohr BA, McKinlay JB. Changes in sexual map in middle-aged and older work forces: longitudinal informations from the Massachusetts Male Aging Study. J Am Geriatr Soc 2004 ; 52:1502-9. Bachmann GA, Leiblum SR. The impact of endocrines on menopausal gender: a literature reappraisal. Menopause 2004 ; 11:120-30. Bacon CG, Mittleman MA, Kawachi I, Giovannucci E, Glassser DB, Rimm EB. Sexual map in work forces older than 50 old ages of age: consequences from the Health Professionals Follow-up Study. Ann Intern Med 2003 ; 139:161-8. Bancroft, J. ( 2002 ) . The medicalization of female sexual disfunction: The demand for cautiousness. Archivess of Sexual Behavior, 31, 451-455. Burke JP, Jacobson DJ, McGree ME, Nehra A, Roberts RO, Girman CJ, et Al. Diabetess and sexual disfunction: consequences from the Olmsted County survey of urinary symptoms and wellness position among work forces. J Urol 2007 ; 177:1438-42. Calamidas EG. 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The ripening and development study: poorness, independency and the universe ‘s older people. London, Earthscan Publications Ltd.,1999:3-21. Gott M, Hinchliff S, Galena E. General practician attitudes to discoursing sexual wellness issues with older people. Soc Sci Med 2004 ; 58:2093-103. Hajjar RR, Kamel HK. Sex in the nursing place, portion 1: attitudes and barriers to sexual look. J Am Med Dir Assoc 2003 ; 4:152-6. Henderson-King, D. H. , & A ; Veroff, J. ( 1994 ) . Sexual satisfaction and matrimonial wellbeing in the first old ages of matrimony. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 11, 509-534. Isselbacher KJ, Martin JB, Braunwald E, Fauci AS, Wilson JD, Kasper DL, eds. Harrison ‘s rules of internal medical specialty. 13th erectile dysfunction. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1994:262. Janus SC, Janus CL. The Janus study on sexual behaviour. 1993. Cited in M. Wallace. Sexuality and aging in longterm attention. Ann Long-Term Care 2003 ; 11:53-9. Konstam V, Moser D, De Jong M. 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Lindau, S.T. ( 2010 ) . Sexual activity, wellness, and old ages of sexually active life gained due to good wellness: grounds from two US population-based cross sectional studies of ageing. BMJ, 340, 810 Lindau ST, Laumann EO, Levinson W, Waite LJ. Synthesis of scientific subjects in chase of wellness: the Interactive Biopsychosocial Model. Perspect Biol Med 2003 ; 46: Suppl 3: S74-S86. Lindau ST, Leitsch SA, Lundberg KL, Jerome J. Older adult females ‘s attitudes, behaviour, and communicating about sex and HIV: a community-based survey. J Womens Health ( Larchmt ) 2006 ; 15:747-53. Lindau ST, Schumm L, Laumann E, Levinson W, O'Muircheartaigh C, Waite L. A survey of gender and wellness among older grownups in the United States. N Engl J Med 2007 ; 357:762-74. Morley JE, Tariq SH. Sexual disfunction in older individuals. In: Hazzard WR, Blass JP, Halter JB, Ouslander JG, Tinetti ME, eds. Principles of geriatric medical specialty and geriatrics. 5th erectile dysfunction. 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Sunday, September 29, 2019

National Council of Teachers of Mathematics

National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) Standards: Website Lesson Plans Edwina Schweitzer Grand Canyon University: EED 364 November 25, 2012 The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) is a council that has set in place standards that are to be followed and adhered to when creating mathematical lesson plans. These standards are national and require a lot of the teachers as far as what and how they teach math. While there are many choices of lesson plans that support the standards set by the NCTM regarding number sense and operations, only four will be used to fulfill the following criteria. . Four lesson plans were chosen to illustrate the support of the NCTM standards: A. Problem-solving: Math, episode 1, (Discovery Education, n. d. ) is a lesson plan that helps students understand the importance of numbers. In this lesson the objectives are to show the students the importance of numbers in math, and show examples of how they are used in everyday life. The stud ents start out by watching the video, Problem-solving: Math, episode 1, and then talking about all of the numbers that they see in the classroom, such as the numbers on a clock or how many paint brushes or windows there are.The students are then asked to imagine a world without numbers and give ideas of how things would be different. They are then asked to write down examples of how they have used numbers, such as dividing candy among friends, being first in line, or being measured at the doctor. They are then asked to share these examples with the class and post them as a reminder of the importance of numbers in their everyday lives. B.Activity 3: Exploring the effect of operations on decimals, (Illuminations, 2000-2012) is a lesson plan that gives students the opportunity to â€Å"explore the effects of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division on decimal numbers. † This lesson provides a Maze Playing Board sheet that allows students to play a game while making th eir way through the maze. The object of the maze is to finish the maze with the highest decimal number. Examples of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of decimal numbers are shown on an overhead projector for the students to see as a visual aid.This activity requires the use of the calculator, which provides practice using a calculator while having fun with a maze. The students are then put into groups of three to discuss their results. C. I’ll halve s’more please!! (Jackson, n. d. ) is a lesson plan that uses fractions to solve riddles provided in a PBS episode of Cyberchase, entitled Zeus on the Loose. The students watch the episode and then use fractions to solve the riddles while learning the parts of the fractions and their importance in everyday life.There is a handout that is included with the lesson plan and a list of materials, including s’mores ingredients, large numbers and a bar of paper cut out for fractional use. D. Life is Full of Problems, (Young, n. d. ) is a lesson plan that helps students learn how to read, interpret, and devise a solution to math problems. This lesson requires the use of mental solving, paper and pencil, and calculator usage. The students learn to double check their answers for correct procedures and solutions. There are several ideas listed in this lesson plan that may fit into any diverse classroom.This is a lesson plan that is particularly good for encouraging mental solving of mathematic equations. While the mental solving is attempted first, they may check their mental answers by working the problem out on paper, then double checking themselves with the calculator. This incorporates three different means of problem solving, and not only teaches the importance of mental capabilities, it enables the students to finish with the use of calculators. 2. The methodology of number sense is used in each of the lesson plans in various ways. Problem-solving: Math, episode 1, (Discovery Educat ion, n. . ) includes a vocabulary list that the others do not. â€Å"Vocabulary is an integral part of developing the skills and concepts necessary to explain solutions to problems,† (Camelot Learning, n. d. ). All of the lessons use number importance and provide activities to enhance this importance. Even though some of these activities may not have vocabulary words to accompany the lesson, they could be incorporated into them. If the higher grades already know the vocabulary words for the lessons being taught, they could be a refresher so that the students did not forget them. 3.The activities that were included in these lesson plans include mathematical operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of decimals and fractions. Calculators are used in two of the activities, and the importance of the use of numbers is emphasized in all activities. Problem solving techniques are given as examples and the students are encouraged to improve on them through the completion of the activities. One lesson plan even includes a S’mores snack in the activity. Students would not only get to work with S’mores, but eat them afterwards! 4.These websites are appropriate for K-5th grade students, depending upon the lesson being taught and the extent to which the teacher would like to instruct it. All of the lesson plans are adaptable for students, but grades 3-6 seemed to be the best to benefit from them as they are listed. A couple of the lesson plans included variations that could be made simpler or more difficult, depending upon the grade and needed difficulty level. This variation in difficulty is also good for the differentiation of the students. 5. The lesson plans all provided ideas for differentiated instruction.These were also ideas that could be used for different grade levels, depending upon how in-depth the teacher wanted to go. Small groups were assigned to discuss the results of some of the activities. This could be hel pful with those students that have greater challenges and may struggle with their activities. Some of these activities could be made partner activities to help ELL students or those that may tend to be slower academically. 6. These lesson plans are important to the student’s understanding of mathematics because all of the lesson plans contained vital knowledge of the importance of numbers in everyday life.The students need to learn the components of these lessons to be successful at anything in life, as they are basic but important components. All of these lessons show the students how numbers surround them and that without numbers their world would not be the same at all. They constantly use numbers on a daily basis, right down to their phone number, address, age, size of clothes, and how tall they are. By providing the examples of this and then providing the opportunity for hands on activities to illustrate this importance, the students may be less likely to make the commen ts, â€Å"Why do I have to learn this? I will never use this! 7. The activities within the lesson plans could improve student achievement by providing the visual, hands on activities necessary for student understanding and growth. By allowing the students to participate in the activities and have fun, they will remember the concept being taught better because they have witnessed how important it is and have learned by the fun activities provided. The success of the students can be far greater when they are allowed to participate in hands on activities as opposed to simply being lectured on a particular concept. It is always easier to remember something when you had fun doing it.This principle is the same with lessons. The more opportunities for the students to do activities or games that pertain to the lesson, the better chance the students have to remember the concept being taught. This is only a success builder in academics. 8. Manipulatives were used in all of these lessons to s ome extent. The Problem-solving: Math, Episode 1 lesson plan could use a few more ideas for manipulative use. Where the students were asked to look around the classroom and find things that contained numbers, they could choose items from the classroom to total one to ten items.This could be done by counting out one book, two sheets of paper, three markers, four crayons, etc. Manipulatives may be changed or increased in any of the lesson plans, depending upon the teacher and how he/she chooses to provide them. The four lesson plans that were chosen and described all adhere to the standards set in place by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM). Each lesson plan had the NCTM link or listed standards included in the body of the lesson plans. These standards are important for teachers to be aware of and use when creating lesson plans for mathematic instruction.By having these standards set in place and using them, all of the students will have the same emphasis and impor tance put on number sense and operations, regardless of grade level or school. Reference Camelot Learning. (n. d. ). Camelot learning math intervention curriculum. Retrieved November 25, 2012 from http://www. camelotlearning. com/why-camelot/methodology. Discovery Education. (n. d. ). Problem-solving: Math, episode 1. Discovery education. Retrieved November 25, 2012 from http://www. discoveryeducation. com/teachers/free-lesson-plans/problem-solving-math-episode-1. cfmIlluminations. (2000-2012). Activity 3: Exploring the effect of operations on decimals. Illuminations. Retrieved November 24, 2012 from http://illuminations. nctm. org/LessonDetail. aspx? id=L252. Jackson, C. (n. d. ). I’ll halve s’more please!! National teacher training institute. Retrieved November 25, 2012 from http://www. thirteen. org/edonline/ntti/resources/lessons/m_half/index. html Young, K. (n. d. ). Life is full of problems. Retrieved November 25, 2012 from http://www. learningpt. org/pdfs/mscLes sonPlans/young. pdf ———————– National Council of Teachers Page 2

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Alexander - Movie Historical Accuracy

Alexander Movie Historical Accuracy Essay Alexander the Great Who is Alexander and why is he so great? Born in Pella in 356 BC (Central Macedonia, Greece) Alexander was one of the most successful military commanders in history, winning his first battle at the age of 16. By the age of 20 he was the king of his homeland Macedonia succeeding his father Philip II after he was assassinated. By 25 Alexander had conquered the known world (from Greece, Egypt to Pakistan). British Historian Tom Holland described him as ‘the ultimate conqueror’ The Film The film is based on Alexander the Great, the military commander and King of Macedonia, and his life experiences, hardships and triumphs. Directed by Oliver Stone, the cast included Colin Farrell, Anthony Hopkins, Angelina Jolie, Val Kilmer and Jared Leto and was shot in locations such as England, Morocco and Thailand. Overall the historical action film received poor ratings. 16% from Rotten Tomatoes, 2/4 from Roger Ebert, 5.5/10 from IMDb and 39% from Metacritic. Bucephalus Alexander commemorated his conquests by naming over 70 military forts Alexandria, after himself and 1 Bucephala for his horse Bucephalus. Bucephalus originally was strong and untameable by even King Phillips best riders however a 13 year old Alexander tames the stallion, realising the horse is afraid of its own shadow he turns it towards the sun. Bucephalus served Alexander in numerous battles but died due to fatal injuries at the Battle of the Hydaspes (June 326 BC). The film captures the taming and death of Bucephalus perfectly according to historical accounts in 344 BC. Ptolemy The film begins with Ptolemy as he narrates Alexanders story, reciting his memories to a scribe in Alexandria, Egypt. Ptolemy (367 BC – c. 283 BC) actually fought alongside Alexander in his conquests as a Macedonian general and became ruler of Egypt in 323 BC. In the film Ptolemy refers to the hero as â€Å"Alexander the Great,† however history shows that the â€Å"Great† was not added until much later, in Roman times. Alexanders Parents Stone recreated the scarred right eye of Alexanders father, Philip II as he lost his eye to a Greek arrow during the siege of Methone in 354B.C. Alexanders mother Olympias convinced Alexander that Phillip was not his father and that he was the son of Zeus himself, when one night in the form of a snake he impregnated her. Angelina Jolie’s portrayal is very historically similar to Olympias, who was the fourth of Philips seven wives and was believed to kill Philip or hire someone to kill him in 336 BC. Battle Scene Alexander had to fight the battle of Granicus, Siege of Tyre, Issus and Gaugamela to eventually beat King Darius however the film only has 1 battle which is actually an amalgamation of two battles fought between the them (Gaugamela and Issus). The Macedonian military equipment seen in the battle was accurately reproduced due to the director’s historical consultant Fiona Greenland, an oxford graduate. However in the film, Alexander wore a lions-head helmet. According to Plutarch, Alexander wore a burnished iron helmet molded for him by the Greek craftsman Theophilus. Stone apparently decided to fashion a battle helmet based on later representation of Alexander as Heracles. Additionally there is an outstanding representation of the Macedonian infantry phalanx wielding their 17ft long spears. Before the Battle Before the battle, Alexander says to the Macedonians â€Å"for the glory of Greece.† Ancient sources however write that Alexander didn’t fight for Greece but for Macedonia. Three ancient historians detailed Alexander’s speech to the army before the battle and each one of them made a clear distinction between Greeks, Macedonians, Thracians and Illyrians as four distinct civilizations that made Alexanders army. This created confusion throughout Oliver Stone’s film whether the people from Macedon differed from other Greeks. Ironically the film synopsis indicates a distinction between Macedonians and Greeks. It reads: â€Å"Alexander led his virtually invincible Greek and Macedonian troops.† Books: Jennifer Lawlwss Unlocking the past: Preliminary Studies in the Ancient World (1996) Jennifer Lawlwss Unlocking the past: 2nd Edition Toni Hurley Antiquity textbook Louise Chipley Slavicek Heroes and Villains: Alexander the Great (2005) Michael Wood In the footsteps of Alexander the Great (2001) Laura Foreman – The epic story of the warrior king Alexander the Conqueror Steven Pressfield The Virtues of War: A Novel of Alexander the Great (2004) Paul Anthony Cartledge Alexander the Great (2004) Nicholas Geoffrey Lemprià ¨re Hammond The Genius of Alexander the Great (1997) Michael Alvear Alexander the Great: The Man Who Brought the World to Its Knees (2004)

Friday, September 27, 2019

Discussion Board Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Discussion Board - Assignment Example Infants should be allowed to mature, to the age where they can distinguish right from wrong, that is when they should be judged. Infants can hardly distinguish right from wrong they require protection at that age. This is so, because they hardly know anything. Regardless of whether infants are baptized or not they will still inherit the kingdom of God, if they die at that age (Boyd & Paul 225). This is because they are innocent and blameless. Jesus Christ loved little children and always taught his teachings giving examples on children. He loved them because they are humble and innocent. Many people argue that infants who are not baptized will not go heaven, because it is believed that the sins of their fathers are transferred to them. This is not true, Jesus Christ died for all our sins, and he broke all curses when he was crucified (Boyd & Paul 226). Thus, all infants are freed from the sins of their fathers, because Jesus Christ broke all the curses on the

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Rise of the middle class in Latin America Research Paper

Rise of the middle class in Latin America - Research Paper Example Venezuela is the most urbanized and largest economy of Latin America whereas Argentina is the second largest and Colombia holds the third position, in terms of GDP (Venezuela Analysis, 2013). Latin America puts huge emphasize on economic integration since the inception of Latin American Free Trade Association and Central American Common Market in 1960s. In fact, the economy has undergone various structural changes due to the effect of a number of economic influences such as World Wars, financial crisis in 2008 and several ongoing civil wars. However, the internal economic development program of this continent has been uninterrupted by the policies taken by the economy such as import substitution by industrialization and public investment on health sector (Balderston, Gonzalez and LÃ ³pez, 2000). All these factors have led the economy to experience population explosion. Moreover, as the education system and employment opportunities began to expand combining with enhanced social secur ity, the economy experienced rise of middle class society in Latin America. The paper will explore the nature and determinates of economic growth and rise of middle class in Latin America, especially concentrating on the three biggest economies of the constitute such as Venezuela, Argentina and Colombia as well as possible consequences of such social transformation. Since decades, poverty continued to be the main challenge for the economy of Latin America. However, after experiencing a long series of stagflation, the population of Latin America started expanding and overtimes the middle class evolved in a major proportion of the population. Prior to this, the demographics of Latin America were characterized by the presence of vulnerable income group, suffering from economic insecurity (LÃ ³pez-Calva and Juarez, 2013). However, over a period of time, economic growth as well as

Business Model of Odyssey Logistics & Technology Corporation Term Paper

Business Model of Odyssey Logistics & Technology Corporation - Term Paper Example The Odyssey team of chemical engineers and logisticians brings unparalleled expertise to the logistics supply chain in all modes of transport. The Odyssey Global Logistics Platform is a transportation management infrastructure that serves as the technology backbone to Odyssey's service offering. Odyssey International LLC is a licensed export freight forwarder and wholly owned subsidiary of Odyssey Logistics & Technology, managing exports to more than 80 countries. Odyssey Overland LLC is a wholly owned affiliate of Odyssey Logistics & Technology Corporation operating as a broker and domestic freight forwarder for bulk and package truck shipments in North America. The company is backed by investors Trident Capital, LogiSpring, Boston Millennia Partners, CMEA Ventures and RRE Ventures. Odyssey Logistics & Technology Corporation has a team of experts in Supply Chain and Logistics Management, commercial carrier management, logistics operations and execution, and supply chain technology. They use the Supply Chain Management (SCM) system to support these processes called the Odyssey Solution based on the Odyssey Global Logistics Platform that provides a single interface to the chemical and process industry logistics markets. Odyssey Solution is a Business Information System that stores information about the complete suite of logistics services in all modes of transport, globally. The company tailors its service offerings to meet its clients' needs, leveraging its technology platform and information systems to provide any service from a single point solution to a complete logistics solution. They own no transportation equipment or warehouses, allowing them to negotiate as an independent, neutral party in the marketplace, acting in the best interests of the customers. The Business Information System Odyssey Solution manages all aspects of the supply chain from inbound sourcing and delivery logistics through outbound shipment, handling, consolidation, deconsolidation, distribution, and delivery of end products. Odyssey can, through its integrated transportation management system, provide its clients with cargo planning, tendering, shipment visibility and configurable event management, freight audit and pay ment, and management reporting.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Compare and contrast the central tenets of liberalism and realism. How Essay - 1

Compare and contrast the central tenets of liberalism and realism. How do they differ Is there any common ground between them - Essay Example War and efforts for force turn into the key situation of realist. Liberals launch the thought of force to incorporate corporate agreements, trade and entity agreements. Realism is embodied that the world domain is revolutionary and comprises of autonomous political units called countries. These are the most significant units of movement, intrinsically controlling some hostile military capability or force which makes them conceivably risky to one another; countries can never make certain about the aims of different states. The fundamental rationale driving countries is the endurance and upholding of power; countries are sane and consider how to survive. The two methodologies are comprehended to contrast significantly in their core presumptions, in the empirical substances they can clarify, and in the forecasts that take after from their hypothetical affirmations. Though, with the appearance of realism, realists and liberals have appeared to be moving faster together (Gross, 2005). It can be said that, realism and liberalism collectively can demonstrate considerably more, in a more precise way, than they can independently. The realist model has yielded prosperous knowledge into phenomena. Hence for every model in global relations hypothesis to go its own particular way is not ongoing or even supportive it is terrible

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Religions of the Common Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Religions of the Common - Research Paper Example Abraham, the first Patriarch is considered as the founder of Judaism, while Christianity on the other hand was founded by Jesus Christ in the 1st century A.D (ReligionFacts, 2013). Both religions are intertwined because both can trace their earliest beginnings from Abraham. Christianity literally means followers of Christ and those who follow His teachings. Judaism denotes the people who belong to the Jewish heritage or ethnicity and who mostly follow the law given to the Jews and Moses in the Old Testament. It also means those that belong to the tribe of Judah. Christ Himself was a Jew but ushered in the dispensation of Grace, coming into great conflict with those who believed in Judaism during hid days on earth. Christians have the belief that one God exists, and is in three persons, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. This is narrated in the Jesus’ great commission to His disciples in Mathew 28; 19 where new believers are to be baptized in the name of the Father, Son a nd Holy Ghost. Christians also believe in the Bible which they believe is God’s word revealed to man. Christians believe that the people who wrote the Bible had inspiration from God and thus they refer to it as the Word of God. Christians also believe in the deity of Christ, that He is the second of the Godhead and that He is equal to God (ReligionFacts, 2013).... oman Catholic division of Christianity, for example, writings of ecumenical councils and ancient church Fathers and creeds are included in the division’s beliefs and practices. Christians also have sacraments and ordinances like baptism and Holy Communion with the Roman Catholic and Orthodox divisions adding the sacraments of marriage, confirmation, penance, Holy orders and anointing of those who are sick (ReligionFacts, 2013). In all of the Christian divisions, prayer is given great preeminence though the order and conducting of the same has varies from division to the other. Christians believe that mankind inherited an original sin from their first parents Adam and Eve who sinned against God. Jesus Christ paid for sin by His death on the cross to reconcile man back to God as narrated in the Bible in scriptures in Romans 5: 17. Christians and mostly Protestants believe in salvation through the work the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross and not by any other works or sacri fices (Horbury 2006). They believe that God redeems man through the work of the cross, giving them a new birth and new life, 2 Cor 5: 17. Christians also believe that there is a place of eternal fire known as hell which will be used to punish the unrighteous from everlasting to everlasting. They believe that man is destined to die, and after death there will be judgment, with those that are righteous going to heaven and those that will be not being condemned to eternal hell. The Roman Catholic division of Christianity teaches that some souls that will need cleansing will be taken to purgatory before being allowed into Heaven. Christians practice their worship in churches, chapels, cathedrals and Basilicas (Avery-Peck & Neusner, 2009). On the area of clothing, Christian divisions like orthodox

Monday, September 23, 2019

The Human-Computer Interface Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2

The Human-Computer Interface - Assignment Example Bourg and Bywalec (2013) defines haptic feedback as "The method of including physical feedback to assist a user in interacting with entirely virtual objects" (p. 411). Every gadget in todays world functions with the use of computerized systems. Haptic feedbacks can either be in form of vibrations or senses that identify the location of the objects or bodies, as well as movements. Haptic feedback in form of vibrations is used mainly in touch-screen mobile phones whereby the phones vibration system recognizes a touch on the screen by the user (Bourg and Bywalec, 2013). In essence, the touch-screen mobile phone to some extent vibrates in order to substitute for a typical or ordinary physical reaction from a push button. In terms of senses, Bourg and Bywalec (2013) emphasizes that haptic feedback is used in the creation of joysticks to play games. In games, haptic feedback is used to alert the player when an incident or episode has taken place. In some games in fact, the player can even be wobbled by the joystick to symbolize the happening of an incident. It is worth noting that haptic feedback is a vital constituent imperative in human-computer interface, and it as well needed for its effectiveness and minimization of inaccuracies or miscalculations in computerized gadgets (Bourg and Bywalec, 2013). Memory is regarded as one of the vital functions of the human mind. There are three types of human memory and they are grouped on the basis of the length of preservation or how long the memory is withheld in the brain. These three types of human memory according to Kumar (2005) include "Sensory memory, short0term memory, and long-term memory" (p. 115). In comparison, sensory memory denotes memory roughly at the instant it is professed while short-term memory refers to the sensory memory that manages to pass through to the sensory stockpile for storage. Long-term memory on the other hand is memory refers to the information that can be repossessed in a matter

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Polonius has sometimes been presented Essay Example for Free

Polonius has sometimes been presented Essay There has been much debate amongst critics and directors alike on the depth of Poloniuss character, and his purpose in the play. There are those, such as critic Myron Taylor, who view him as a more sinister persona, arguing his ineffectuality does not excuse his moral deviousness. Appearance has become his reality, thus implying he is used for menacing dramatic effect. However others take a more sympathetic view, for example Elkin Calhoun Wilson; that dotage repeatedly amuses us in his fondness for lecturing and giving advice, however sound, to his meandering young;, therefore interpreting him as a more bumbling and comical element to an otherwise serious play. Despite understanding both these views I still, like Hamlet, see Polonius as a rash, intruding fool [Act. 3Scene. 4 line33]and believe anything done that may appear enigmatic or ominous can only have occurred unintentionally (in the script) or through exaggeration in directing. Similarly to Wilson, I can see how Polonius would add light-hearted, comic relief to the play, especially when paired with quick-witted Hamlet, highlighting the cracks in Poloniuss delusional wise role he has adopted. Polonius has traditionally been played as a sinister character, with exaggerations on his spying and sneaking around castles, as is portrayed in Franco Zeffirellis version, though many productions in the 20th Century have instead portrayed him as older and more bumbling to bring a comic element to the play. There are two sides of Polonius shown in Act 1 Scene 3 and Act 2 Scene 1. These focus on his relationships with Ophelia and Laertes, and to me portray him as foolish again, though not unintelligent. He appears authoritative Look tot I charge you; come your ways [Scene3 line. 135 to Ophelia] and gives further instructions to Laertes Aboard, aboard.. neither a borrower nor a lender be [lines55+75]. This particular line enforces the idea he is comical/foolish; advising Laertes to leave else hell miss his crossing, yet proceeding to bombard him with a lengthy advisory speech that states what is obvious. It does seem that he is rambling here as well, as of course Laertes is returning to university, not just starting, making the well-meant advice effectively knowledge that Laertes already has. Both his offspring create an impression of having to be patient with him, replying in just short sentences as if to make up for time lost Most humbly do I take leave my lord [Laertes line 81]. The audiences knowledge that he isnt as respected as he thinks himself to be can be humorous, developing an almost bumbling man who is held in higher esteem by himself than even his long-suffering, and in the case of Ophelia, oppressed, children. With Ophelia, there is a significant difference their relationship than that with Laertes; Polonius seems highly insensitive to her feelings, and Ophelias replies become more restrained and subservient. When speaking to Ophelia, for example, Polonius advises her on her relationship with Hamlet Do not believe his vows, for they are brokers [Act 1 sc. 3 line 127]; in Kenneth Branaghs production of the play, Ophelia has already slept with Hamlet, and Branagh makes use of flashbacks in Ophelias mind of their sexual relations as she listens absent-mindedly to her father. This helps back up an image of Polonius as rather ignorant, especially as Ophelias reply is so submissive, building an impression of an advisor of little use to anybody, which in turn strengthens his role as a comic. However, this display of likeability could be argued to be compromised in Act 2 Scene 1 as Polonius plots to send spies after Laertes put on him What forgeries you please, [Act 2 sc. 1 lines19+20], potentially revealing a darker side to him, yet for me this is ruined later on in dialogue And then, sir, doesa this-he does-what was I about to say? suggesting he puts on an act whilst playing up his deviousness, as the inconsistency in language, dashes and faltering punctuation portray an inconsistent mind that runs away too easily and is not to be taken seriously; quite like the character itself: not intended to be a serious one. With relevance to Claudius, when both in a scene, Polonius can either be argued to be more devious or even more of a fool. The former view could have been picked up on because of the spying and meddling that occurs between the two of them, such as in Act 3 Sc. 1 Her father and myself, lawful espials, Will so bestow ourselves [ lines 32+33] and to some may show a more sinister shade to his persona. In Branaghs full-length version, Polonius is shown to be slyer, with the including of his (spying) scene with Reynaldo; a scene some directors cut out to enhance their own, more positive view of the character, due to his scheming. Polonius is in a superior position in the court, which has been argued to be deliberate to use his status power to a menacingly-inclined advantage, but is this because of his wisdom (as critic Harry Levin believes [Polonius is] quotable because of the wisdom of his comments), or because Claudius just needs a friend? There is a theory which might explain his position, interpreting him as someone who once had a great mind, but is now losing control of it. This is Polonius in a more tragic light, though Claudius evidently still relies on him and trusts him, as he follows Poloniuss advice regarding spying, but also agreeing to a meeting between Hamlet and the Queen before Hamlet is sent to England. The latter theory is the viewpoint that perhaps Claudius and Gertrude see him as a fool. When Polonius in Act 2 Sc. 2 gets carried away in his own wordiness Why day is day, night night [line 88] unintentionally, he is opposing himself to the idea of his speech brevity is the soul of wit [line 90], and Gertrude even remarks More matter with less art. [line 95], in other words, bluntly pointing out that Poloniuss act as a wise advisor is conjured by himself; that he is not the mind he thinks himself to be. Act 3 Scene 1 reconfirms my original theory, as Polonius guesses-incorrectly and slightly hypocritically-that the cause of Hamlets madness is down to Ophelias rejection, again giving Hamlet, and the audience, the upper hand yet do I believe The origin and commencement of his grief/ Sprung from neglected love. Even when it is confirmed that hamlets madness has nothing to do with Ophelia, Polonius sticks to his theory despite all evidence pointing to the contrary. Far from appearing sinister then, the two (Claudius and Polonius) together appear foolish, like puppets with Hamlet as their master, manipulating and playing their minds. This is demonstrated earlier in the play, as Polonius tells Ophelia not to believe his vows for they are brokers [Act 1 sc. 3 line 127], yet here, he himself is taken in by Hamlets performance. It is also worth noting that Polonius had previously told Ophelia Affection? Pooh, you speak like a green girl [Act 1 Sc. 3, lines 127, + 101], showing he is proving to be stubborn on a matter he previously disagreed with-and seemed so ready to persuade Ophelia likewise of- himself. Polonius is often contrasted with Hamlet. It could be argued his place in the play is to emphasise Hamlets quick-wittedness and intelligent nature. He seems not to understand the Prince is teasing him conversationally; I did enact Julius Caesar, I was killed I th Capitol; Brutus killed me [Polonius Act 3 Sc. 2lines 105+106] It was a brute part of him to kill so capitol a calf there [Hamlet lines 107+8]. Scenes like this also help to contrast Hamlets sharp dialogue with Poloniuss slow, lengthy style of speech, particularly when he is with the King or Queen and uses it to impress: as Elkin Calhoun Wilson has noticed and over-elaborating it [his wisdom] in speech with the King and Queen. Hamlet further makes Polonius the butt of his jokes in Act 3 Scene 2 By th mass and tis, like a camel indeed [Polonius line 375] Methinks it is like a weasel [Hamlet line 376] and has more fun at the old diplomats expense. It also quite blatantly makes a joke out of Polonius, the laughs in the audience this time actually being against him, as he remains too involved in the sound of his own voice to properly register what Hamlet is saying, establishing him unarguably as a comic character. Hamlet is a character with an excellent command over language in the play though, and is naturally clever without striving to be, whereas Polonius speaks in dragging, slow bouts and wants to be considered wise. There is clearly little respect towards Polonius from Hamlet (you are a fishmonger [Act.2 Sc. 2 line 174], and, as he is the protagonist of the play, this sways the audiences opinion towards him. He is almost too cruel towards him at some points though, e. g. old men have grey beards they have a plentiful lack of wit [Act. 2 Sc. 2 lines 197-201], clearly describing Polonius, and so perhaps enforcing the idea of him as a tragic character. Right until the end, Hamlet still treats Polonius as a second-class person; showing no remorse at his death and branding him a rash, intruding fool [Act 3 Scene 4 line 33] which of course he was. The words intruding convey a completely different meaning to cleverly inquisitive and rash doesnt invite the praise spontaneous would. He was then labelled a fool during his time in the play, and labelled a fool again upon his exit. It is ironic Poloniuss death should be so unceremonious [Act 3 Scene 4, stage directions Exit Hamlet dragging in Polonius line 219] given that his persona in the play was one of elaboration and false grandeur. This is almost like a last, bittersweet laugh against him, exactly the opposite of how he would have liked to have exited, the word dragged being of particular importance, as when performed on stage this would have been so undignified as to have crossed slightly into black humour territory, depending on the director (Ill lug the guts into the neighbour room, Hamlet, Act. 3 Scene. 4, line 213)It is also exposing that Polonius should have been killed from behind the arras, and in a foolish way too. It would have been wiser to remain hidden, and so by shouting, symbolically, perhaps Polonius was revealing the shallowness there was to his sinister persona. Hamlets reaction is one of brevity and disrespect I took thee for thy better [line 134]. However, his death does act as a catalyst for the race towards the ending of the play; Hamlet is sent to England to meet his death, though Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are killed instead. This proceeds to him finally taking revenge on Claudius, and results in the murders of Gertrude, Hamlet, Laertes and Claudius. Whether this increases his worth or not in the play is open to interpretation. Elkin Calhoun Wilson decides Polonius has a minor tragic dimension as well as a major comic boasting [my] eyes catch a more embracive view of him than Hamlets possibly can and with this I can, to an extent, agree. It is tragic he should be cast off in such a way, and in him there was not just the doddering old fool, but also, as Elkin writes, a comic appendage. Overall then, looking at various views and studying the text thoroughly, I can stick by my judgement of Polonius as a foolish, though comic, character. Although considered unimportant by those in the play, I believe him to bring a welcome relief from the drama and tragedy entangled in the plot which would otherwise make for a very depressing production. Of course, it is down to personal interpretation how a director would present the character, but to me the lengthy and self-important dialogue is unavoidable, and the undignified death inevitable, making Polonius -arguably- doomed to lack credible menace void of irony and humour, and therefore set firmly as a foolish prating character. 1999 words Sophie Mayall. Bibliography: Websites used:http://www. metroactive. com/papers/metro/02. 20. 97/branagh-9708. html http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Polonius www. jstor. org- Studies in English Literature 1500-1900: Vol. 8, No. 2, Elizabethan and Jacobean England www. jstor. org- Shakespeare Quarterly: Vol. 9, No. 1 (Winter 1958), pp. 83-85 Films: Kenneth Branaghs film version Hamlet: 1996 Franco Zeffirellis film version Hamlet: 1990 Copies of the text: Cambridge School Shakespeare First Edition, published 1994 Heinemann Advanced Shakespeare, published 2000 Journals: Shakespeare Quarterly: Vol. 9 (winter 2005), Vol. 8 No. 2 (spring 1968).

Friday, September 20, 2019

Music Therapy And Personality Theory Psychology Essay

Music Therapy And Personality Theory Psychology Essay Personality theory is focused on the thoughts, feelings and behaviour of human beings, including their interactions with their social environment (Funder, 1994). From this comment it could be suggested that personality is made up of the characteristic patterns of thoughts, feelings and behaviours that make a person unique. In addition to this, Piedmont supports that personality come up from inside the individual and remains fairly consistent throughout life  [1]  . Ancient Greeks were the first who talked about personality and the elements that affect it, which are the earth, the water, the air and the fire. Hippocrates and Galen supported that character is attributed to the mixing of the juices that exist in the body, such as blood, yellow and black bile and the phlegm. From this, four types of character are created: the choleric, the melancholic, the sanguine and phlegmatic. During the years, several theories have been developed for identifying the traits and structure of human personality and each of which was influenced by the ideological and methodological background of the founder such as Freud, Cattell, Eysenck, Hartmann, Jung. Although all these considerations have their strengths and manage to significantly penetrate the deeper essence of the concept of personality, nowadays a new theory have been established upon which most modern psychologists of personality seem to agree. This new approach is called Big Five Dimensions and argues th at human personality can be fully described by five key factors. These factors are: Openness to experience: which describes the ability to open and explore unknown situations, to recruit new experiences (imagination, broad range of interests) Conscientiousness: which focuses on whether the conduct of the individual aims to achieve an end and is governed by inner values, standards and ethics(thoughtfulness, organized, planful) Extraversion: which evaluates the quality and intensity of social relationships of individuals (sociability, talkativeness, excitability) Agreeableness: which examines the quality of the relationship of the individual with others and with himself ( trust, altruism, kindness, affection) Neuroticism: which refers to emotional balance and the adjustment of the individual (emotional instability, anxiety, moodiness, irritability, sadness) Another personality inventory was the one of Eyesenck which measures personality using two scales. Introversion-extraversion, stability-instability. Eysencks theory was based on the four temperaments methodologies, first formalised and popularised by ancient Greeks. According to Eysenck, there are four types of personality. The choleric types are the unstable extraverts and they have qualities such as touchy, aggressive, changeable, optimistic, active, excitable and restless. The melancholic types are the unstable introverts their qualities are such as quiet, reserved, pessimistic, sober, rigid, anxious and moody. Sanguine types are the stable extraverts they are talkative, outgoing, responsive, lively, easygoing, carefree, leadership and sociable. Phlegmatic are the stable introvert and they are calm, even-tempered, reliable, controlled, peaceful, thoughtful, careful and passive. It is widely accepted that human behaviour is shaped by the influence of different factors, and this includes a musicians personality as well. Such factors include both genetic and environmental influences. Becoming a musician does not depend on genetic reasons per se or solely on how effective the learning process is. Mainly it is based on a complicated combination of different factors which influence every individual in different proportions. Nearly all researches agree that human traits are jointly determined by both nature and nurture, though they may disagree about the relative contribution of each. (Ceci and Wiliams, 2000). Genetic structure may be a factor that influences someone to become a musician. Some people are born with a music gift and through years in combination with the environment they can develop it. However, the importance of genetic influences decreases over time as individual experiences and social environment becomes more important. Social environment help determine the status of individual, the roles they perform, the duties they are bound by and the privileges they enjoy (Pervin and Jones, 2001). Indeed, the social environment can be a drive wheel for someone to develop a musical gift. By action and by example, parents shape the lives the behavior and the choices of their children from birth through adulthood (Ceci and Williams,1999).  [2]  If the child is raised in a musical environment, with parents musicians or listening to music all the time, then the possibility of becoming a musician is higher. This can also be seen in the past, in Baroque, Classical and Romantic eras, where most famous composers or pianists had great music parental guidance by their musician parents. Also if a child decides to be a musician, he often needs the support of the family in order to maintain his interest in music from an early age. Feltovic (2006) stated that The amount of instrumental practice from an early age is of vit al importance for later musical performance . In addition, if a child is associated with other children related to music, then the possibilities to develop an interest in music are increased. Previous findings on musical development have rarely indicated that learning efficiency is an essential aspect of musical expertise. (Gaunt Hallam, 2009) Indeed, effective learning and a teachers influence also play an important role on childrens performance. Teachers could positively affect the interest of a student for music by offering encouragement, and also negatively discourage a student by failing to support the child properly. The effective learning and good teachers who truly value students might turn children into music For example the teacher can increase the level of interest in music by making music learning more enjoyable for students. Teachers can have a great influence on children thus I believe that if children love the teacher, then they are likely to love music as well. Finally socio- economic conditions and many other unpredictable factors may affect a child positively or negatively to follow a musical path. Music education in developing countries appears not to have been a major priority since the lack of financial resources prevents these countries to meet their citizens educational needs. For example in Africa only 4.6%  [3]  of all schools in the country have music rooms. After analysing the reasons that may influence someone to become a musician instead of another, the next step is to identify possible factors that may determine someones personality after becoming a musician. Does every type of music affect musicians personality the same level? Is each kind of music related to specific emotional characteristics? Research has shown that various aspects of our personality are related to the types of music that we choose (Mitch Beavers and Lauren Mutispaugh). In their research on whether personality predicts music preference, observe that those who listen to classical music appear to be less agreeable and prefer sad music. The same research detects that individuals who listen to heavy metal music were low conscientiousness with low emotional stability. Rentfrow and Gosling (2003) using the Short test of music preference, they concluded that listeners of the same kind of music, had similar characteristics. Country music lovers tend to be low in openness to experiences, but high in conscientiousness. They also appear to prefer music that is simpler in nature. Jazz music lovers are more open to experiences and prefer complex music. Blues music listeners prefer music that is more complex and sad. Folk, rock, and heavy metal tend to prefer more complex music. Pop listeners tend to prefer more simple music. Religious music appears to have higher self-esteem and prefer happy music. Classical music and soundtracks appear to less agreeable and prefer more complex and sad music. Rap and hip-hop seem to be more agreeable, extraverted, and to prefer music that is happy and simple in nature. Heavy metal music appears to be low in both conscientiousness and emotional stability. In a research on Classical music preferences, Burt found that the participants tastes differed according to the extraversion, introversion but also on the emotional stability. In his study, Burt concluded that stable extraverts preferred classical and baroque music (Handel, Verdi, Brahms) which possessed characteristics like solidity, balance, brightness and predictability. On the other hand, stable introverts also preferred classical and baroque period but with a preference on absolute, intellectual and cognitive music like Bach. Moreover, Burt found that unstable extraverts preferred romantic music which has strong contrasts is emotional and vigorous (Wagner, Liszt, Berloz). In contrast, unstable introverts also preferred romantic music but impressionistic and mystical pieces like Debussys, Chopins and Webers (cited in Kemp, 1996).  [4]   According to a research by Delsing, Bogt, Engels and Meeus,  [5]  heavy metal, punk, gothic and rock listeners were found to be related to openness to experience but not to conscientiousness and to extraversion. Jazz, classical and gospel listeners tend to be high on conscientiousness, agreeableness and openness to experience but low on emotional stability. Hip hop, soul, rap trance and techno listeners were found related to extraversion and agreeableness. Finally, a research by Professor Adrian North, notes that heavy metal and classical listeners have similar emotional characteristics since both are creative, calm and unsociable. Furthermore, another factor that determines personality is the kind of gender. Indeed, the effect that music has on personality must be analysed in proportion to the gender of every individual. Even when both man and woman are related to a specific kind of music, it has been noticed that still their personality characteristics are not the same. In a research by Eric Lacourse, Michel Claes and Martin Villeneuve (2001) about heavy metal music and adolescent suicidal risk , it seems that girls fan of this kind of music, are more suicidal than boys. Recently there have been many research efforts on whether musician tend to embody certain personality type. The literature offers some evidence regarding links between personality and musician activity. Wayne Gillespie and Brett Mayors, by examining rock and popular musicians who completed the Revised NEO Personality Inventory and a questionnaire, conclude that Rock musicians share a common profile. Rock musicians were high neurotic, open to experience, average extravert, low agreeable and conscientious. On the other hand, in a research by Dyce and O Connor, concluded that popular musicians are extraverted, emotionally unstable and imaginative. In a research about orchestral instrumentalists, Langendorfer concluded that string players had significant high scores on conscientiousness than woodwind and brass players.  [6]   In his book the musical temperament, Anthony Kemp states that the musicians temperament involves a proclivity to sensitivity, introversion, anxiety, intelligence, and independence (Kemp 1996). Buttsworth and Smith (1995) indicate that performing musicians are more emotionally stable and sensitive. Singers appear to differ from instrumentalists and share personality traits with dancers, such as emotionality and hypochondrias are (Marchant-Haycox Wilson, 1992). In their book Parncutt and Mcpherson  [7]  , state those children who are more introverted, studious and quieter usually tend to prefer string instruments, while more extroverted and socially outgoing prefer brass instruments. Singers also tend to be more extraverted sensitive and imaginative, whereas keyboard players tend to be also extraverted but not as much as the singers and the brass players. CONCLUSSION Music and personality are two issues that cannot be analyzed in a 20 minutes presentation or in a 2000 words essay. This presentation answered three questions that are important as far as concern music and personality. Which factors affect someones personality to become a musician? What types of music do different personalities tend to prefer? Do musicians tend to embody certain personality type? My conclusion is that both nature and nurture, social and musical environment, peers, socio-economic conditions, teachers and effective learning are factors that may influence someone to become a musician. I believe that music do not influence personality, but there is a direct relation between the music we listen and to our personality, which includes our thoughts, lifestyles, places we choose for entertainment, clothes, companionship. Because of our personality we choose certain types of music to listen to or to become musicians of the kind of music that reflects our personality. Of course most musicians have similar elements on their personality like sensitivity, anxiety, introversion, but this is not essential for all. The musicians expresses some feelings or experiences, based from their life, like poorness, parents divorce or even a death of a close person. Some musicians may live the same experiences, but because of the social environment may develop a different type of personality. Through music, the artist communicates his thoughts which will be influenced from the era he lives in. Concluding I believe that if all musicians had the same personality, then music would have been the same.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

De La Guarda Villa Villa :: essays research papers

Is it a musical? A play? It’s more like a Circus!   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  On March 1, 2001, I had the great opportunity to see a very unique Off-Broadway variety show named De La Guarda, written, directed, and designed by Pichon Baldinu and Diqui James. The theatre presenting this show is the Daryl Roth Theatre, which is located at 20 Union Square East, just a few blocks from Baruch College. There were many interesting moments in the show that one would be definitely surprised if he had no prior knowledge about the show. What makes this show the most interesting is that it is not traditional theatre whatsoever. Everything is changed, including the area where it is performed. There is no real plot, but there are many artistic scenes throughout the show. Although there is no real plot, the performers present a wide range of emotions from one part of the show to the next that makes the audience members crave for the next emotion. It is a definite attention getter and everything including in the show, such as props and the performers themse lves, makes the audience a part of the show.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  From the moment an audience member enters the theatre, he is welcomed with refreshments and waits in the basement until an usher calls the audience to come upstairs to the main performance area. Since the tickets purchased for the show say â€Å"General Admission,† there are no assigned seats and the audience is left standing in a large dark square room, with four black walls and a white ceiling. The once empty room becomes filled with people waiting for the show to begin. Ushers remain in the room to guide the audience to move from one area to the next because the performers may need room to perform later in the show.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  At 8pm, the show begins from the ceiling. Shadows of flying people grace the stage above. The directors’ attempt to make the mood as serene as possible is established through the music and the props. There is a dreamlike music playing that puts the audience in a peaceful mood. Raindrops slowly hit the white paper ceiling and little balls, that seem to be magnetic, are placed by the floating people above. The little balls move all in different directions and finally stop forming a big mass of balls. Little props, such as little horses and dinosaurs, are placed on the white paper and the performers play with them to make the audience amused.

Free College Admissions Essays: Marching On :: College Admissions Essays

Marching On Sweat dripping down my face and butterflies fluttering around my stomach as if it was the Garden of Eden, I took in a deep breathe and asked myself: "Why am I so nervous? After all, it is just the most exciting day of my life." When the judges announced for the Parsippany Hills High School Marching Band to commence its show, my mind blanked out and I was on the verge of losing sanity. Giant's Stadium engulfed me, and as I pointed my instrument up to the judges' stand, I gathered my thoughts and placed my mouth into the ice-cold mouthpiece of the contrabass. "Ready or not," I beamed, "here comes the best show you will ever behold." There is no word to describe the feeling I obtain through music. However, there is no word to describe the pain I suffer through in order to be the best in the band either. When I switched my instrument to tuba from flute in seventh grade, little did I know the difference it would make in the four years of high school I was soon to experience. I joined marc hing band in ninth grade as my ongoing love for music waxed. When my instructor placed the 30 lb. sousaphone on my shoulder on the first day, I lost my balance and would have fallen had my friends not made the effort to catch me. During practices, I always attempted to ease the discomfort as the sousaphone cut through my collar bone, but eventually my shoulder started to agonize and bleed under the pressure. My endurance and my effort to play the best show without complaining about the weight paid off when I received the award for "Rookie of the Year." For the next three seasons of band practice, the ache and toil continued. Whenever the band had practice, followed by a football game and then a competition, my brain would blur from fatigue and my body would scream in agony. Nevertheless, I pointed my toes high in the air as I marched on, passionate about the activity. As a result, my band instructor saw my drive toward music and I was named Quartermaster for my junior year, being tr usted with organizing, distributing, and collecting uniforms for all seventy-five members of the band. The responsibility was tremendous. It took a bulk of my time, but the sentiment of knowing that I was an important part of band made it all worthwhile. Free College Admissions Essays: Marching On :: College Admissions Essays Marching On Sweat dripping down my face and butterflies fluttering around my stomach as if it was the Garden of Eden, I took in a deep breathe and asked myself: "Why am I so nervous? After all, it is just the most exciting day of my life." When the judges announced for the Parsippany Hills High School Marching Band to commence its show, my mind blanked out and I was on the verge of losing sanity. Giant's Stadium engulfed me, and as I pointed my instrument up to the judges' stand, I gathered my thoughts and placed my mouth into the ice-cold mouthpiece of the contrabass. "Ready or not," I beamed, "here comes the best show you will ever behold." There is no word to describe the feeling I obtain through music. However, there is no word to describe the pain I suffer through in order to be the best in the band either. When I switched my instrument to tuba from flute in seventh grade, little did I know the difference it would make in the four years of high school I was soon to experience. I joined marc hing band in ninth grade as my ongoing love for music waxed. When my instructor placed the 30 lb. sousaphone on my shoulder on the first day, I lost my balance and would have fallen had my friends not made the effort to catch me. During practices, I always attempted to ease the discomfort as the sousaphone cut through my collar bone, but eventually my shoulder started to agonize and bleed under the pressure. My endurance and my effort to play the best show without complaining about the weight paid off when I received the award for "Rookie of the Year." For the next three seasons of band practice, the ache and toil continued. Whenever the band had practice, followed by a football game and then a competition, my brain would blur from fatigue and my body would scream in agony. Nevertheless, I pointed my toes high in the air as I marched on, passionate about the activity. As a result, my band instructor saw my drive toward music and I was named Quartermaster for my junior year, being tr usted with organizing, distributing, and collecting uniforms for all seventy-five members of the band. The responsibility was tremendous. It took a bulk of my time, but the sentiment of knowing that I was an important part of band made it all worthwhile.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Deceitful George in John Steinbecks Of Mice and Men :: Steinbeck Of Mice and Men Essays

The Deceitful George in Of Mice and Men Steinbeck gives a lot of reasons for George to stay with Lennie, but his critics also have some merit in their criticism that the story isn't believable. Steinbeck's critics suggest that Steinbeck is "simply sentimental in this regard." There are some very compelling reasons George would like to stay with Lennie... but being "sentimental," towards Lennie has nothing to do with it. George and Lennie's ultimate goal is to "get the jack together," buy a few acres of land they can call their own, "an' live off the fatta the lan' (pg. 14)." George talks in great depth about how their dream house is going to have individual rooms, a kitchen with a fat iron stove, and an orchard. But, George only recites this yarn when he wants to get Lennie calmed down. Lennie has the mentality of an 8 year old, the memory of a senile 80 year old, and only desires to tend rabbits. George fully understands that Lennie can easily be manipulated. Even though the dream to have a piece of land is shared, George knows that by himself he cannot amass a large enough "stake," to buy it himself (pg. 33)." Just as the boss thought, George was "takin' his pay away from him (pg. 22)." Throughout the story George recites a description of how easy his life could be if he didn't have to keep up with Lennie. "God a'mighty," he could "get a job, an' work, an' no trouble (pg. 11)." At the end of the month, he could take his 50 bucks and go into town and buy whatever he wanted. George says these things like he's only teasing, but in actuality he's dead serious. George started building his alibi when he first arrived at the farm. He wanted to seem like he deeply cared for Lennie, and that Lennie was an overall good person. George then strengthened his alibi, and gave a glimpse of his true motives when he talked to George about why he stopped making fun of Lennie. George said that he told Lennie to "jump in," and that Lennie did it and "he damn near drowned (pg.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Marianne, by George Sand Essay

And makes one a bard! —that was the situation in which the lovers, Pierre and Marianne found themselves placed at the altar of love. A novel is the mirror of the feelings of the writer’s mind. One may cleverly try to hide and suppress one’s true feelings by super-imposing imaginings. But the authors are bound to reflect something genuine and special about the author’s private life. George Sand is no exception. George Sand (1804-1876) is the Pseudonym of Amandine-Aurore-Lucile Dupin. Compared to the period to which she belonged, her thinking was much advanced. She was a French Romantic writer. She translated fiction-like romances into her actual life. The numerous love-tangles would put any modern socialite into shame. The beginning of most of her love-affairs was at the intellectual level. Perhaps she had experienced every type of love, except true love. Her love-affairs were all motivated for one reason or the other. â€Å"Sand’s early writings show the influence of the writers with whom she was associated. In the 1830s several artists responded to the call of the Comte de Saint-Simon of cure the evils of the new industrial society, among them Franz Listz and Sand who became friends, not lovers. On a personal level, Michel de Bourges, who preached revolution, was more important for her view of society. After de Bourges, came Pierre Leroux, who was against property and supported the equality of women, and wanted to rehabilitate Satan. †(George†¦) In the traditional sense of the term, she lived unhappy married lives. As for the concerns of her writing, she toyed with many novel ideas, like cure the evils of the new industrial society, preached revolution, equality of women, ideals of Socialism, etc. Marianne†¦. Marianne is a peculiar character created by George Sand. She lost her mother at the young age of twenty-two, and if she were an ordinary girl, she would have settled down to marriage. Though many proposals came in her way, George Sand writes, â€Å"Marianne, however, had preferred to remain living alone in the country house of her parents had left her. Occupying a secluded position surrounded by hills and woodland some four kilometers outside La Fille-sur-Gouvre, the house was in excellent condition and very adequately furnished within. †(Sand, 1998, p. 82) The dying declaration is accepted as the true declaration even as evidence in the Court! George Sand wrote the novella in the year of her death, when she was 72. This is the right age when an individual feels the compulsion to tell the truth about one’s life. The plot of the novella is the same old story. It is between him and her—it is between Adam and Eve! Pure love doesn’t differentiate between young and old. It transcends all artificial barriers. Presently, Pierre arrived as a tutor to impart secular education to a shy but wealthy country girl and promised to select reading material for her. He came as protector of her intellectual garrison, but turned into a true, ardent soldier of love. Marianne began to respond favorably in this game of the heart. But the role of Pierre must change—from that of parental feelings to a true lover, who must protect the essential independent dignity of the women, which is part of the genuine love! Marianne illustrates Sand’s philosophy about life by being a strong woman, who is not afraid to swim against the social currents relevant to the era to which she belonged. She doesn’t say about the profound philosophy about the woman’s liberation movement etc. She candidly illustrates a beautiful, soul-stirring love affair transcending age. She cuts across the defined barriers of the society, and beats the conventions. The situation is described with great restraint, without the traces of rebellion. It is molded as an affair between the two intellectual equals. A cursory glance of some of the comments about the personality of George Sand makes an interesting and objective reading! One sees the reflection of Marianne, in those observations: â€Å"She was a thinking bosom and one who overpowered her young lovers†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ,†What a brave man she was, and what a good woman. †,†The most womanly woman,† etc. Marianne, like Sand was a bold individual from the beginning. Marianne, though denied the family support at the very young age, did not rush to marriage, to secure herself. Instead, she decided to face the life squarely and live the life of her choice. So is the case with George Sand, though her familial problems were somewhat different. The very fact that she was able to carry on with so many love affairs, and yet live up to the age of seventy-two to have a go at one more affair, speaks about her relentless grit and determination to do what she considered right in the circumstances then prevailing in her life. â€Å"I am by nature poetic and lot legislative, war-like if necessary, but never parliamentary,† she had written in the late 1830. † Conclusion: The novella is autobiographical, in many of its characteristics. With all the adventures in her life, George Sand was a private person. Hence her description about Marianne that peoples around her thought her to be a ‘difficult’ individual given to eccentricity is to highlight her own self. Sand says, the village community thought strangely about such individuals. So also, the literary world and the Society was not kind to George Sand. At the beginning of the story, Pierre was nearing forty. By that age, his enthusiasm about life and living had waned. By the age of forty, George Sand also suffered many a setbacks and was frustrated in her private life. At the young age, every individual possesses high-pitched ambitions. But time tames one with ups and downs, trials and tribulations. Destiny plays its own part. To have talents is one thing. To get fame and public recognition for the talents is altogether a different issue. Many extraneous factors like patronage, protection count. Also, one needs to have the guts to make the right moves at the right time. On this aspect, the lives of Marianne and George Sand have much in common. To write about such a romance and to experience one in the nineteenth century is great. The comparable life of a Hollywood actress makes kindergarten stuff! She could visualize the modern feminist twist, in the life of Marianne, ipso facto, her own life! She also takes the potshots at the French politics of the era—how it was not possible for a young, talented and ambitious youth to come up in life, without the necessary backup! Was she not complaining about the treatment meted out to her by the Society? References Cited: Article: George Sand. www. kirjasto. sci. fi/gsand. htm – 17k – Cached, Retrieved on February 12, 2008. Sand, George: Book: Marianne Paperback: 176 pages Publisher: Carroll & Graf; Second Edition (February 26, 1998) Language: English ISBN-10: 0786705388 ISBN-13: 978-0786705382

Monday, September 16, 2019

On the Absence of Self-Control as the Basis for a General Theory of Crime Essay

Self-control theory theorizes the single most important factor behind crime is an individual’s lack of self-control. This is explored and explained much more in-depth in A General Theory of Crime. In this book, Gottfredson and Hirschi theorized that low self-control is the root to all crime at all times and ultimately the general theory of crime. They referenced back to the cause of low self-control describing the parenting that they claim is to blame and therefore theorized that bad parenting leads to low self-control that leads to crime, making low self-control the root of all crime. Gilbert Geis, a criminologist, has dissected the theory and found many deficiencies regarding its applicability to all crime. Although Geis admires the attempt to generalize a theory to explain all crime he also admires a saying that states â€Å"nothing is more tragic than the murder of a grand theory by a little fact† (p. 77). Through many examples of different crimes, criminal behaviors, and scenarios, Geis was able to dispute the self-control theory in regards to: its definition of crime, the matter of tautology, its discussion of criminal law, its inclusion of the acts analogous to crimes, exceptions to the theory, the role played in the theory by the concept of opportunity, its views about specialization in criminal behavior, its handling of the matter of aging, how it deals with white collar crime, research on the theory, ideological issues, and child-rearing and the theory. How much variance can the theory explain? There should be one theory per one type of crime. It is not likely that any contributing variable is applicable for all crimes. This is the idea that fueled Geis to dispute the claims made by Gottfredson and Hirschi. The idea of creating one general theory is too great of a goal where as a more modest and effective goal would be to create a family or group of theories to explain the root of most crime. It is believed by Geis that this self-control theory will be sloughed off as a general theory to explain all crime. Everything should be made as simple as possible but not simpler than possible. Research and facts that are incompatible with the theory should not have to be explained away or shaped to fit within the patterns consistent to the theory. A study conducted in 2007 by Cretacci examined self-controls ability to explain different forms of crime and whether the support that it has gained has been exaggerated. The results collected from these tests indicated that self-control theory is a predictor of probability of involvement in property and drug crime but is practically silent in its ability to explain crimes of violent nature. In addition to this, Cretacci also has found many logical deficits that exist in many explanations the theory is supposed to serve. One particular deficit is the idea of the stability of self-control. According to Gottfredson and Hirschi the level of self-control an individual possesses levels out around the age of 7 and remains the same throughout the individual’s lifetime. This information was only supported by one resource. Questioning this claim, Turner and Piquero conducted a study in 2002 to reexamine the resource utilized by Gottfredson and Hirschi that resulted in mixed support for their claim. Geis feels that the idea of explaining a massive field with one general theory is impossible. This belief applies to all human acts and broad categories such as criminal behavior. There are too many variables within a broad category or topic as such to be fully explained by one explanation. Human nature drives us to believe such easy explanations for sake of simplicity and solidity and this is often why individuals tend to hold theories such as this for truth even when factual research and support contradict said theory. A famous scientist once said â€Å"Nothing is more surprising than the way in which a theory will continue to survive long after its brains have been knocked out† (p. 177)

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Home Burial

‘Humankind erects and maintains real and symbolic barriers to protect and defend opposing stances, beliefs and territories. The resulting lack of communication reinforces those barriers, often to detrimental effects’. Discuss in relation to at least two of Robert Frost’s poems. Much of Frost’s poetry includes the discussion of, and indeed reasoning behind varying types of barriers within diverse situations – many of which he himself experienced throughout his life. Mending Wall, â€Å"one of Frosts most anthologised poems†, is a primary example of both physical and emotional barriers being used in his attempts to explore the diversity in the relationships between both humankind and nature, and human beings themselves; the question â€Å"Are walls and fences instrumental in the retention and renewal of human relationships? †, being the driving force behind this piece of work. Although the narrator describes his neighbour as â€Å"an old stone age savage†¦he moves in darkness as it seems to me†, it must be noted that it is in fact the narrator who initiates the mending of the wall, perplexing the reader as it appears that tradition and indeed the wall itself is of no importance to him. Harold Bloom states that â€Å"Frost identifies a deep human resistance to formal principles, more generally, reluctance to erect obstacles to freedom, and a desire to see barriers break down. The neighbour who lives by the saying â€Å"good fences make good neighbours†, â€Å"resembles an obstructionist, a Luddite, who can only recite his father's bromide to justify his yearly task of rebuilding the wall. † The wording of the first lines of Mending Wall, also introduce something somewhat ‘supernatural’ to its meaning. â€Å"Something there is that doesn’t love a wall†, does not define what it actually is which destroys t he wall. Frost of course knows that it is the elements which are responsible, but as critic Frank Lentricchia comments â€Å"His fun lies in not naming it, and in not naming the scientific truth he is able to manipulate intransigent fact into the world of the mind where all things are pliable. The artful vagueness of the phrase ‘Something there is’ is enchanting and magical, suggesting even the bushed tones of reverence before mystery in nature. And the speaker who is not at all reverent toward nature, consciously works at deepening that sense of mystery†, therefore the â€Å"supernatural or Godly force that does not approve of the wall being up, and desires that there be no man-made barriers placed between human beings† is left paramount in the mind of the reader. â€Å"We have to use a spell to make them balance†, reinforces the magical element of the poem, with the ambiguity, and significance of line 4 â€Å"And makes gaps even two can pass abreast†, heightening its enigmatic and surreptitious elements. Frost emphasises the fact that the gaps in the wall were made large enough for two humans to pass side by side through it, causing the reader and indeed himself to question if man is perhaps going against the wishes of nature itself in erecting these barriers, the destructive side of nature and the effect of the changing of the seasons being a recurring theme throughout the works of Frost. For him nature was not just a â€Å"background for poetry, but rather a central character in his works†. In Mending Wall, Frost also accentuates the human need to have different ‘species’ or types of people separated; his reference to the differing types of trees is a metaphorical, representing the way in which man feels the need to separate one type of person from another by way of both physical and unseen barriers; as much of Frost’s life was spent during times of great class struggle and the oppression of African American citizens, the barriers he witnessed between these people and his own influenced and made greater his wish to destroy the lack of communication between all human beings, both those from differing backgrounds and, as can be seen between the husband and wife in Home Burial, those who share a strong bond. Here, Frost reinforces the difficulties which people face in achieving effective communication, where he presents it â€Å"as the only possible escape from isolation and despair†. His own experiences with the loss of children are explored within this emotionally charged and demonstrative piece of poetry; with prominence being given to how communication between two people can help overcome anything which life may hand them, and how a lack of communication causes the barriers between the two to become even greater. Home Burial describes not only the death of a child, but the aftermath which follows; the marital partnership dissolving both mentally and physically, as neither husband or wife feels able to confide in the other regarding the immense grief and sense of loss which they are feeling; this lack of communication is what ultimately destroys their marriage. Both Mending Wall and Home Burial are prime examples of how Frost viewed and experienced barriers in his own personal life, although hey are poles apart; Home Burial being darker and more emotionally personal to Frost than Mending Wall, which seems lighter, with an almost playful and explorative element. Mending Wall is written as a lengthy one stanza poem in a narrative style, which seeks to reinforce the lighthearted nature of the piece. â€Å"The poem is not broken into stanzas, which makes it look visually like a rock wall turned on its side†¦the ‘gaps’ in the wall when we look at the way that the line endings form an imperfect line all the way down the page. † The language and setting which Frost has employed for Mending Wall intends for the reader to focus on the wall and the men mending it. The landscape is not described, the â€Å"yelping dogs† of the hunters have long gone, and there remains only the pine and apple trees, and the wall dividing them. The poetic techniques of imagery, where the speaker tells his neighbour â€Å" and irony, serve as symbolic representations of barriers, albeit through a cheerful tone; simultaneously highlighting the serious meaning within the poem. The wall is the most dominant piece of irony used throughout; it not only separates the speaker from his neighbour, but it also brings them together every year. Line 14 â€Å"We set the wall between us once again. We keep the wall between us as we go†, suggests that they are content in working together to repair the wall on the condition that they both mend their own side. The use of these techniques together with the repetitions of the lines â€Å"Something there is that doesn’t love a wall,† and â€Å"Good fences make good neighbors,† emphasise the theme of a two sided argument, as does line 23 at the exact centre of the poem. â€Å"There where it is we do not need the wall†, is the first intimation that the speaker does not feel a need for the wall. This line divides the poem in two, with the first 22 lines being the factual events surrounding the mending of the wall, and the last 22 lines being the ‘argument’ for and against the presence of it. The style in which Home Burial is written in is opposing in every way, with the choice of language and delivery giving it greater importance and ‘weight’ within the works of Frost. It is notable that only one word in Mending Wall is more than two syllables long. The language of Home Burial is direct and to the point; a dramatic narrative, written in informal blank verse which empowers and brings to life the characters within it. The position of the couple in the first stanza, and indeed throughout must be noted; the wife at the top of the stairs, and the husband at the foot of the stairs looking up at her; the sense of separation and yearning for solace which she feels being reiterated by Frosts choice of language in his description of her husband and indeed his movements. â€Å"Advancing towards her†, â€Å"Mounting until she cowered under him†, â€Å"You make me angry, I’ll come down to you! †