Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Football as a desirable life Essay Example for Free

Football as a desirable life Essay Why do children want to be a football player? Why also their parents encourage them to be a football player? Because it has satisfaying reasons for people whose life involves football and it is easy to play with just one ball in an open area. Also children playing football can be chosen easily by the professionals in their early life. Therfore, the gates of the world which they have dreamed open. So, playing in a football team has two benefits about player’ character and opportunities. To begin with, playing in a football team improves and molds the player’s character. Playing in a football team builds self-confidence and betters it. Players usually set goals for themselves when they have begun to football. They believe in themselves and want to show their success to their family and friends. So, they start to work hard to reach those goals. When they achieve their goals with people’s testimony, they obtain unbreakable self-confidence. Children who began to football in their childhood grow up faster than the children who did not thanks to strong self-confidence. Football not only affects players in their childhood, it also affects them in their latter life when they win. Because football teams compete in a football leauge in their own country. They are playig to be best in the leauge. So they have to believe in themselves and play well. When they became champion of the leauge it means that they are the best team of the country therefore, their self-confidence increases. Football also makes players take responsiblities and risks for themselves and for the team. For example a goal-keeper has a lot of responsibilities and pressure on his shoulder. Also other players feel the same thing but not as the same as the goal-keeper. Players have to play well enough and do their job well but no one win everytime. Players must be prepared for both success and failure therefore players have to be mentally ready. So football is benefical for players and it learns to players being a team. People playing football are not selfish because it is a team game and it is all about the team spirit which is one of the benefits of the playing in a football team. Another satisfying benefit of playing in a football team is that it can make life beter and players may have chance many opportunities. It make easy to go abroad. Because of the games which are hold in the other countries, players can go those countries with the team so easily. Then they can meet new people from other countries as well. Also they can meet the other famous and legendary players also other people which they love such as writers, actors thanks to their opportunities as those people also love football. Players also can visit the historical and natural places which are in all around world. There are some parts of places that ordinary people can not access but players may access those parts easily. The most important benefit fot lots of player it has a well-paid salary. Players insured by their team since they begun to play football on professional team. If they have some health issues whether they are serious or not insurance agency pays their cst maket he treatment on the best conditions. Players also can insure their whole family thanks to their salary. Playing in the football team can also help the player in te educational area. Some universities give scholarships to football players. They can play on their team and they can be educated by the good universities in their school life. To sum up, it is an undeniable fact that lots of people have wanted to be a football player because of its benefits which are about player’s charecter and opportunities of playing football. Some people attracted by the benefits of the football reach their dreams and live the life which they have always wanted to live, but the others watch them everyday and they feel sorry about that why they are not a football player. In short playing football is important in terms of many benefical aspects. That is why people want to be a football player.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Twelve Who Ruled Essay -- essays research papers

Twelve Who Ruled Book Review The year of terror is one of the most complex and misunderstood periods in the French Revolution. Palmer, in his book, Twelve Who Ruled, however, takes this period and skillfully turns it into a written masterpiece. The book is narrated from the point of view of someone with an omniscient knowledge of the subject matter, who is reflecting back on the period from the outside. The book tells the story of a brief moment in history when twelve men (Robespierre, Barere, Saint Just, Couthon, Lindet, Carnot, Saint-Andre, Prieur, Varenne, Herbois, Scholles, and Duvernois) ruled France; even though they were technically under the control of the Convention. Palmer begins by giving the reader an overview of who the twelve men were before they became rulers of a nation. He then goes on to discuss the purpose of the Committee of Public Safety, and the organizational structure of the terror. Palmer then smoothly moves on to discuss the "foreign plot" and how the committee dealt with it. He goes on to explain the "Doom at Lyons" by giving a very detailed description of the events that went on there. Palmer then procedes to depict the missions at Alsace and Brittany. In the last few chapters of the book, he slowly and carefully shows the winding down and eventual collapse of the Committee of Public Safety's power. Throughout this book, Palmer does an exquisite job painting the collage of the twelve men's ride to the top upon the horse of the committee of Public Safety. He wonderfully combines each man's individual actions with the more general problems that the Committee of Public Safety confronted. He discusses in detail the policies adopted to defend the Revolution, as well as how and why they were put into effect. The layout of the chapters in the book is extremely logical; they are basically put in chronological order. The fact that Palmer takes the time to give a full historical background of the twelve men shows that he wanted this book to be accessable to people who held no prior knowledge of the subject or time period. He gives a very lurid account of the most influential people on the committee, - namely Robespierre, Varenne, Carnot, Saint Andre, and Saint Just. In the first pages of the book,... ... they would not normally have acted. Due to the effectiveness of Palmer's presentation of the terror, the reader might get the idea that if he were involved in the Revolution, he might be afraid to speak up and voice his opinion. This is due to the fact that it might upset or oppose any person in power who might overhear what he said. These are the psychological repricutions of the terror. In his book Twelve Who Ruled, Palmer eloquently writes this narrative, "weaving the biographies of the twelve into the history of their time," and provides a coherent and convincing explanation of the terror. The book is not only educational for someone interested in the time period when these twelve men ruled the nation of France, but it is also enjoyable from the perspective of a person reading the book solely for interest in revolutions and how they affect the people who are involved in them. The book deals with a brief period of time during the French Revolution, namely the year of terror. The book ventures to interpret the foundations and rationale for the terror and Palmer illustrates his speculations on the subject through gracious, flowing writing.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Diversity Considerations Essay

Introduction The purpose of this paper is to analyze the influence of culture on attitudes, values, perception, human behavior, and interpersonal relations. The discriminatory factors that promote societal, political, socioeconomic, and spiritual oppression of culturally diverse populations will also be illustrated in this paper. The paper would further examine the racial and cultural diversity within non-native English-speaking communities. Moreover, this paper will also analyze how current research may positively impact the delivery of public safety and enhance the evaluation of information and resources. Lastly the chosen articles used for this paper will be evaluated on the basis of their reliability and credibility. Influence of culture on attitudes, values, perception, human behavior, and interpersonal relations The behavior, values, perceptions, and attitudes of different human beings are greatly influenced by their experience as well as their genetic inheritance. The ways in which different people are developed are formed by the social circumstances and experiences within the context of their innate genetic potentials. The question remains that how hereditary potential and experience serve their roles in developing the behavior, values, perceptions, and attitudes of a human being. All human beings are born into specific cultural and social settings and ultimately develop several social connections. The characteristics of a person’s cultural settings greatly influence the way they learn to behave and think, by means of example, punishments, rewards, and instructions. In addition, the culturally induced behavioral patterns, like forms of humor, body language, and speech patterns, become so profoundly embedded in the mindset of human beings that they frequently operate without the people themselves being  completely aware regarding them. All the various cultures include a slightly different mesh of meanings and patterns; attitudes towards different cultures, expectations for behavior, customs and habits in arts, clothing, foods, and religions, social roles, systems of government and trade, ways of earning a living, and values and beliefs regarding each of these activities (Chan,, 2012). What is perceived as acceptable human behavior is different in different religions and in different periods of time. All the cultural and social groups have typically accepted varieties of behavior for their members, with possibly some particular standards for subgroups, like children and adults, males and females, athletes and artists. Atypical behaviors might be considered either simply distasteful or amusing, or punishably illegal. A behavior considered as normal in one culture might be considered as deplorable in some other religion. For instance, assertively competitive behavior is perceived as arrogant in exceedingly coope rative cultures. On the other hand, a lack of interest in competition might be considered as being out of step in many subcultures of an exceedingly competitive society, for instance, the US. It is widely accepted that the expectations, understandings, customs, rules, roles, and norms of interactions in interpersonal relationships are mainly marked out and transmitted by culture and cultural factors. However, it has been found that the cultural influences greatly extend from the expression and interpretation of interpersonal relationships. It has further been found that culture not only influences the internal but external aspects of interpersonal relationships as well. For instance, there is significant evidence which indicates cultural variations in the demonstrations of emotions and feelings underlying interpersonal relationships (Crisp & Turner, 2011). Discriminatory factors that promote societal, political, socioeconomic, and spiritual domination of culturally diverse populations Race Racism may be defined as the unconscious or the conscious belief in the dominance of one race over some other race. This definition presumes the existence of various biological races, specifically the human genome project. Nevertheless, despite that race is evidently a social construct; racism is still widespread all across the globe. In spite of the fact that a  very small number of people now remain to believe in a superior race having an innate right to practice power over the ones that are considered as inferior; there are a lot of people who still exercise ethnocentrism or racism. They believe that some of their known cultures have some sort of superiority over some others and also that some customs, traditions, cultures, and histories are not appropriately compatible with theirs. Any sort of racism is related to power and the powerful people usually determine what is superior and discriminate against people who have less power. For this reason, racism may be considered as the practical translation of discrimination into action (Chan,, 2012). Ethnicity Discrimination, as with cultural racism, on the basis of culture and ethnicity considers some minorities and cultures as intrinsically undesirable or inferior. Hostility or Anti-Semitism toward Jews as an ethnic or religious minority persists from the medieval times when the Jews were generally the only non-Christian minority that existed in Europe. Jews, expelled from their nations or murdered, stripped of property, penalized with high taxes, compelled for living in ghettos secluded from the Christians, and generally forbidden from practising majority of the professions and trades, strived for hundreds of years against prejudice and injustice of the Christian societies. Xenophobia As a response to the increasing diversity and globalization in the society, many individuals respond with xenophobia that refers to the aversion or fear to foreign countries or foreigners. The concept of foreign in majority of the cases depends on the ideas and images constructed socially, which reduces the globe to â€Å"us†, â€Å"them†, â€Å"good ones like me†, and â€Å"the normal†, the others who are distinctive: a disruption, a threat demonstrating a degradation of appropriate behavior and values. Despite that majority of the individuals consider xenophobia as generally acceptable and in contradiction with the human rights culture; it is not atypical. Discriminations on the basis of xenophobia, for instance acts of violence and verbal abuse, are evidently the violations of human rights (Correa, 2000). Gender Gender discrimination is quite pervasive in our society. Schools, childcare institutions, family, media, and other societal institutions transmit and preserve stereotypes regarding women and men. In the Western societies, conventional gender traits are frequently related to power – men and their specific activities are classified as influential, public oriented, important, brave, productive, strong, outgoing, and having increased value, social recognition, and monetary rewards. On the other hand, it is widely believed that the main traits of women include; family-oriented, caring, dependent, and passive. Religion The boom of Islamophobia is of specific concern these days and since ever, which refers to the discrimination, hatred and fear of Islam, and that is the most common religion in Western countries after Christianity. The antagonism toward Islam following the terrorist attacks on targets in England, Spain, and the US during the past years has unveiled deep rooted discriminations in majority of the Western countries. Amongst the most widespread public expressions of the discrimination is the rejection of being authorized to construct mosques, a scarcity of official recognition of Islam as a religion, restraints on girls and women on wearing the headscarf, and failure in supporting facilities for the religious communities or groups of Muslims (Crisp & Turner, 2011). Sexual orientation Homophobia refers to hatred for or aversion to homosexual people, lesbians or gays, or their cultural backgrounds, or typically to individuals having a different sexual orientation, counting in the transgendered and bisexual individuals. Despite that the legal reforms in a number of Western nations have greatly reinforced the human rights of lesbians and gays; there is a great variation in conditions. This ranges from the urban regions wherein homosexual individuals work and live openly, and also from the civil unions having rather less difficulty, to the rural regions and areas of Central and Eastern Europe wherein gays might follow harassment, discriminatory laws, and even aggression as a psychological disorder, a disease, or even an  ethical offense. The heterosexual norms are unconsciously or consciously applied by several others to lesbians and gays, faulting them for being unsuccessful in conforming to the types of behavior expected of normal individuals. Disability It is misconceived by a number of individuals that individuals having disabilities may not be productive members of the society. The major negative attitudes either include that the individuals having disabilities are sick or broken and need healing or fixing, or even that are good for nothing and require being cared of (Correa, 2000). Racial and cultural diversity within non-native English-speaking communities People belonging to different linguistic backgrounds face a number of issues in their daily lives. For the fact that culture and language are entwined, language minority individuals are anticipated to use and learn the novel cultural dispositions and the novel language in an effective and efficient manner. This novel culture and language is diverse from what they have learned at home. Despite that the United States is amongst the most diversified nations of the world, there are some languages which are widely employed like Spanish and English. English is the global language which a good majority if individuals employ for communicating in the United States and specifically for global interrelationships. Despite that a number of non native English speakers seek for English language classes in their nations and communities prior to migrating to any Anglophone nation for the purpose of making it convenient for them to intermingle and interact with others, there are many amongst them who yet strive when they face up the reality of interacting with an actual Anglophone. Such people are then discriminated and criticized in various walks of their life. For this reason, the society compels them for improving their communication skills to their earliest (Correa, 2000). Positive impact of current research on the delivery of public safety and evaluation of information and resources The current research contributes to the delivery of public health by enhancing the knowledge base regarding the  factors promoting cultural discrimination in our society. Previous studies related to similar constructs have been explored and analyzed in depth which helped in analyzing the impact of cultural diversity and discrimination on various groups and communities existing in the society. Furthermore, the study contributes towards increasing awareness amongst diversified cultural groups and minorities regarding the influence of culture on attitudes, values, perception, human behavior, and interpersonal relations. In addition, this research paved the way for cultural harmony in societies that are exceedingly culturally diverse. This research give power to the communities and individuals to meet the challenges allied to the economic, cultural, and social inequality and discrimination in the society. Reliability and credibility of the chosen research articles The reliability and validity of the study are highly important for increasing the credibility and accuracy of the data collected by the researcher. Reliability is referred to the consistency of the data which is achieved when the research instrument gives same results when used again. Moreover, validity is the credibility of the research instrument which checks if it measures what it is supposed to measure. In this study, the reliability of the research method was achieved through matching it with the aims of the study. The sources of data were disclosed in order to have reliable research findings. The validity of the research instrument was ensured by comparing previous researches which have used the same method. Attempt was made by the research to ascertain that the reliability errors are cut down so that in case disparities are noted in the data, they may be attributed to the intervention rather than sloppy inferences. Furthermore, this research meets the criteria of generalizability or the external validity of the research, which entails if the conclusions derived from the research may be transferred to different groups. Conclusion This paper analyzed and explored previous researches related to the topic of this research, that is: cultural diversity. The paper started with the demonstration of the way culture influences on attitudes, values, perception, human behavior, and interpersonal relations. This was followed  by the illustrations of the discriminatory factors that promote societal, political, socioeconomic, and spiritual domination of culturally diverse populations. The factors presented in the paper include; race, ethnicity, xenophobia, gender, religion, sexual orientation, and disability. The last topic of the research content was the racial and cultural diversity existing within non-native English-speaking communities. In the concluding part of the paper, positive impact of current research has also been presented on the delivery of public safety and evaluation of information and resources. Lastly, reliability and credibility of the chosen research articles was presented. References Chan, K., Satterfield, T., & Goldstein, J. (2012). â€Å"Rethinking ecosystem services to better address and navigate cultural values†. Ecological Economics, Vol. 74, pp. 8-18. Correa, C. (2000), Beyond TRIPs, in D.A. Posey (ed.), â€Å"Cultural and Spiritual Values of Biodiversity†, London: Intermediate Technology Publications, pp. 533-534 Crisp, R. J., & Turner, R. N. (2011). â€Å"Cognitive adaptation to the experience of social and cultural diversity†. Psychological bulletin, Vol. 137(2), pp. 242.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Should Euthanasia Be Legalized - 1490 Words

Bhavi Patel Writing 101: Jane Meek Research Argumentative Essay 1 November 2015 Word Count - 1488 Mercy or No Mercy Soul is immortal. But body is mortal. In life there could be multiple problems. Some problems could be life threatening. There are some stages in life where one has to make decisions. Imagine you are in a place where you lost all your vital abilities and you have to spend your entire life like that. Your family and friend are in pain too just like you are in pain. What would you do? Euthanasia is and act where a person assist the death of other person and relieves him/her from pain. It is also called as mercy killing. It is controversial because, some may thing it is immoral and some may think it is against their religious†¦show more content†¦On the other hand, passive euthanasia is where the death of the patient is due to the withdrawal of treatment by medical professionals (â€Å"Forms of Euthanasia†). For instance, taking the person of the ventilator system and allowing the occurrence of death. Although both these types are different, some may ac tually think it the same. Others may think passive euthanasia is much better than active euthanasia and vice versa. In countries, like India and Ireland only passive euthanasia is permitted. But, people should focus on the main purpose of the act, which is to relieve the patient of suffering. Being a part of medical field and dealing with medical authorities gives a wider percept of Euthanasia. There are many critical situations in life where even doctors become helpless. Life threatening incidences cause people to lose major parts of body that they could not do anything other than just looking at others. My brother’s friend was riding in a local train in India and he met with a train accident. He lost his both feet and one arm and had multiple fracture all over the body. He was hospitalized for months but, there were number of internal injuries that were so severe that even drugs couldn’t do anything. When he came to his senses after a while and looked over his condition, he was broken down, and all he wanted was to get over the pain. The only thing that was